Command Line Experiment

Experiments / Answers of 2022-02

File Selection CLI

Revisiting BASH

echo -e \\033[{0..100}mhiworld
delegating file path queries to fd
> grep -c '.*' -- $(fd -e ps1 -e txt -d 1)   # ext:ps1,txt depth: 1

# using long-names
> fd --extension ps1 --extension txt --max-depth 1
# 1] highlight matches in red
# 2] preserves all lines
> history | grep --perl-regex --ignore-case --color=always 'less|$'

# 3] add paging 
> history | grep --perl-regex --ignore-case --color=always 'less|$' | less --raw-control-chars

# 4] View a log 
> less someLog

# 5 start on the last line of a log
> less +G someLog

See more

Detect Valid Values for gh --json — then Fzf filter them

$allProperties ??= _enumerateGhProperty
$selectedProps = $allProperties
| Out-Fzf -MultiSelect -Layout reverse -Height 100

Invoke-GhRepoList -prop $selectedProps

PowerApps: Visualize filter in Queries

Is there a way to add columns Programically to many queries?

Labeled Summary of all queries

    Source = Record.RemoveFields(
        "AllQueries", MissingField.Error
    Summary = Record.ToTable( Source ),
    OnlyTables = Table.SelectRows(
        Summary, each Value.Is( [Value], Table.Type )
    #"Add Query Id" = Table.AddIndexColumn(OnlyTables, "Query Id", 0, 1, Int64.Type)
    #"Add Query Id"


Code Syntax Highlighting

when $null + 3 + 3 = 12

TM tokens accepts colors in the format #RRGGBB or #RRGGBBAA, you can set alpha to 0%
{ "editor.tokenColorCustomizations": {
    "textMateRules": [
      "name": "test1",
        "scope": "keyword.operator.assignment.powershell",
        "settings": {
        "foreground": "#be85c5",
        "foreground": "#be85c500",
        "fontStyle": "underline"

Random Power Query

Power Query Sugar for selecting distinct filters. If the condition is not true, then it throws an error. Name = "Orders" works because it results in a distinct value from the column Name It’s valid even though the final query is many records. It’s the “distinctness” of the filter that is required to be true

Source{ [Name = "Orders", Signature = "table"] }

Random Powershell

Random VS Code

Random CSS / Web

Regular Expression Engine

CSS Column Selectors to modify an existing table

Refactoring Others Code

Bash Examples

# session

## counting
| wc --lines
| wc --bytes

# hide long results
| tail -n 10
| head -n 10

| tail --lines=100
| tail --bytes=2MB

# or instead don't print to console
# allow colors, but no other ANSI codes
| tail -R

# file listings safer to use
# `ls` output is bad / breakable
find . -iname 'foo*'
find . -iname '*.py'

# as 1 call ?
find . -iname '*.py' -exec stat {} \;
# as many   ?
find . -iname '*.py' -exec stat {} +

# require pattern
| grep -i 'required pattern'

# invert matches
| grep -iv 'not pattern'

# or xargs and with args that have whitespace
# and/or exec

# output to file (truncate)
foo > bar.log

# append to file
foo >> bar.log

# hide errors
> someCommand &2>/dev/null

history | grep 'find'

# view in pager, or just a few results
# too big of file
grep 'error' apache.log | less +G
grep 'error' apache.log | tail | less
grep 'error' apache.log > apache_errors.log

tail apache.log --lines=100 | less +G
tail apache.log --lines=100 > apache_mini.log