Experiment Formatting

Experiments of 2022-08

Query to Summarize All Queries


Summarize ⁞ Queries ┐main_query.png

Using Inline Images and SVG in a Power BI Table

With the column set to Image Url, you’re able to

  • use an external image like
  • or output a svg image programmatically, by placing logic in a measure
  • or embedded a raw a .png image into the model/report itself
    • First encode the image Base64
    • Save that text in a table
    • Finally create a measure that prefixes the text with
[Inline Png ] := 
      "data:image/png;base64, " & SelectedValue( [ColumnWithText] )

Recent Discord Api

note: make sure your GUIDs are strings, why?
because javascript does not have an integer type, so it has to squeeze
inside a floating point, see: <>
const cfg = {
    "GuildId": "180528040881815552",
    "Channel": "490008213056389120",

const apiUri = {
    "prefix": "",
    "activeThreads": `guilds/${ cfg.GuildId }/threads/active`, // bot only endpoint
    "channelMessage50": `channels/${ cfg.Channel }/messages?limit=50`

// apiUri.curUri = apiUri.channels
apiUri.curUri = apiUri["channelMessage50"]

console.log(`Cur uri: "${ apiUri.curUri }"`)
curUri = `${ apiUri.prefix }${ apiUri.curUri }`

await fetch(
    curUri, lastOpt
).then((r) => r.json()
).then((x) => console.log(JSON.stringify(x)))
  • run Discord in the browser
  • open web dev console
  • take an existing request -> copy as Fetch() or curl
  • saved those headers as lastOpt