App Config Cheatsheet Getting-Started Power Apps Power BI References And Cheat Sheets

How Do I Get Started with Power Apps? With Cheat Sheets

– Moving your cursor around will change the tooltips
– It shows the data type, and the function

The Documentation Is Great

Sample Data Without a Data Source – Declaring Inline Tables

Step1: Choose Insert -> Button.

Step2: Set the button’s OnSelect property to this.

Step3: Alt left click the button, and it’ll create the table. You’re still in edit mode.

        { Name: "Fred Garcia", Company: "Northwind Traders" },
        { Name: "Cole Miller", Company: "Contoso" },
        { Name: "Glenda Johnson", Company: "Contoso" },
        { Name: "Mike Collins", Company: "Adventure Works"},
        { Name: "Colleen Jones", Company: "Adventure Works"} 

The “I know how to program, Give me the good stuff!” Section

Here’s the main links I recommend

PowerShell References And Cheat Sheets

Learning PowerShell

Getting started with PowerShell



Important Topics, Language quirks

For( ;; ) vs ForEach vs ForEach-Object

It’s first argument is a ScriptBlock so it appears like a control loop.

Notice return verses break in ForEach-Object . Remember that the { ... stuff ... } in this case is an anonymous function , not a language control statement
It is a parameter to the ForEach-Object . When not specified, it’s the -Process Parameter

Flow Control with language Keywords

Attributes for validation

Best Practices
