The Model view allows you to set a global default “Summarize By” type for every column. You still have the ability to override the aggregation type per-visual in Report view
You can copy -> paste multiple queries into a new Power BI Report (notice it included a required referenced query ListAsText even though I didn’t select it.You can copy -> pastemultiple queries into at text editor
let ConvertTableFromText = (filepath as text, splitCharacter as text, linesPerRecord as number, optional encoding as nullable number) as table =>
TextLines = Lines.FromBinary(
File.Contents( filepath, null ),
encoding ?? TextEncoding.Utf8
TextLineTable = Table.FromColumns(
{ TextLines }, {"Line"}
Pairs = Table.SelectRows(
each Text.Contains( [Line], splitCharacter )
SingleRecordAsCols = Table.SplitColumn(
{ splitCharacter }, QuoteStyle.Csv, false
{"Name", "Value"}
TotalLines = Table.RowCount( SingleRecordAsCols ) ,
NumberOfGroups = TotalLines / linesPerRecord,
ListOfRecords = List.Generate(
() => 0,
each _ < NumberOfGroups,
each _ + 1,
each (
_ * linesPerRecord,
t = Table.FromList(
ListOfRecords, Splitter.SplitByNothing(), null, null, ExtraValues.Error
columnNameList = Record.FieldNames( ListOfRecords{0} ),
TableOfRecords = Table.ExpandRecordColumn(
t, "Column1", columnNameList, columnNameList
First we load the text file as a list. File.Contents( filepath ) reads all file types. Lines.FromBinary( Contents ) converts it into text. Depending on how the file was saved, you may need to set the encoding
Don’t worry if encoding sounds scary. If text loads with the wrong characters, try the other one. Two good ones to try first are:
Power BI defaults to this for windows files
Anything on the internet uses UTF8 by default.
Tip: If a file truly is ASCII then UTF8 will work
Next remove any lines that are missing :
Then split each line into two columns: Transform Column -> Text -> Split -> By Delimiter
I started with these options
I renamed them to Name and Value because they will be converted into records.
To convert multiple lines into a single recordI used List.Generate. You can think of it like a for loop
There are
3 lines per record
9 total lines = the number of lines in the file
3 total groups = 9 total lines / 3 lines per record
We need to loop 3 times. I’ll recreate a loop like this, converted to Power Query