VS Code feature

using "experimental.useBackgroundImageForWindow": true,
Vs Code Features
using multiple cursors
VS Code feature
using "experimental.useBackgroundImageForWindow": true,
using multiple cursors
Things to note
is an record, when used this way it’s similar to Python’s kwargs
after config
out of order so the logic is on topText.JoinSpecialValues_impl = (source as list, optional options as nullable record) as text =>
config = Record.Combine({defaults, options ?? []}),
defaults = [
Separator = "|",
UseSpecialSymbols = true
text_list = List.Transform( values_list, Text.From),
joined_string = Text.Combine( text_list, config[Separator] ),
values_list = if not config[UseSpecialSymbols] then source else
List.ReplaceMatchingItems( source,
// replace true null, and true empty strings (vs whitespace)
{ null, "␀"},
{ "#(cr,lf)", "#(240d)" }, // is #(2424)" }
{ "#(lf)", "" }, // is #(2424)" }
{"", "␠"}
} )
Goto /c/foo/bar
# go back
> Goto -Back
> Goto '-' # normal cd history works too
> Goto '+'
# Goto the world
$Profile | goto # go to string's path
Get-Item $PROFILE | goto # cd to the FileItem's path
gcm EditFunc | goto # jump to function declaration
gmo NameIt | Goto # go to module's folder
[CompletionResult] | goto # to docs for
# <https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/System.Management.Automation.CompletionResult>
# Open git repos in browser
goto git microsoft/powerquery-parser | goto
goto git@github.com:microsoft/powerquery-parser.git | goto
# goto the newest log
Get-ChildItem 'c:\root\manyLogs' -Recurse
| Sort LastWriteTime -desc -top 1 | goto
2, 40, 100, 200, 400, <#700, 2000,#> 20000 | %{ $i=$_;
0..10 | %{ $j = $_;
0..3000 | Get-Random -Count 300 | %{ $k = $_
[pscustomobject]@{ DisplayString = [string]$_ }} | fw -Column $i }
"Was: $i"
sleep -sec 0.7 }
Is it a bug, or, is the extra y-axis padding working as intended in a situation where intended is not intended ( ie: column count orders of magnitude larger than the terminal’s column count )
a1: e1
, except new functions could dynamically change the selection based on variableWith the column set to Image Url, you’re able to
image programmatically, by placing logic in a measure.png
image into the model/report itself[Inline Png ] :=
"data:image/png;base64, " & SelectedValue( [ColumnWithText] )
note: make sure your GUIDs are strings, why?
because javascript does not have an integer type, so it has to squeeze
inside a floating point, see: <https://discord.com/developers/docs/reference#snowflakes>
const cfg = {
"GuildId": "180528040881815552",
"Channel": "490008213056389120",
const apiUri = {
"prefix": "https://discord.com/api/v9/",
"activeThreads": `guilds/${ cfg.GuildId }/threads/active`, // bot only endpoint
"channelMessage50": `channels/${ cfg.Channel }/messages?limit=50`
// apiUri.curUri = apiUri.channels
apiUri.curUri = apiUri["channelMessage50"]
console.log(`Cur uri: "${ apiUri.curUri }"`)
curUri = `${ apiUri.prefix }${ apiUri.curUri }`
await fetch(
curUri, lastOpt
).then((r) => r.json()
).then((x) => console.log(JSON.stringify(x)))
or curllastOpt
# [3] main + UX for long exxtensions + Horizontal rules
fd --color=always --changed-within=10hours
| group {
$strExt = $_ | StripAnsi | gi | % Extension
# QOL: don't let massive names break the table
if($strExt.Length -gt 10) { $strExt.Substring(0, 10) } else {$strExt}
| %{ $_ ; hr }
| ft -AutoSize
# [1] Minimum required
fd --color=always --changed-within=10hours
| group { $_ | StripAnsi | gi | % Extension }
| ft -AutoSize
# [2] UX: Don't let super long extensions break break columns
fd --color=always --changed-within=10hours
| group {
$strExt = $_ | StripAnsi | gi | % Extension
if($strExt.Length -gt 10) { $strExt.Substring(0, 10) } else {$strExt}
| ft -AutoSize
‘s ParametersPS> wt -w theme-test new-tab --title "Tango Light" --profile 'pwsh_nop' --colorScheme "Tango Dark"
PS> wt -w theme-test new-tab --title "Tango Light" --profile 'pwsh_nop' --colorScheme "BirdsOfParadise"
# or
ZD-Invoke-WtThemeTest -Random
to preview results# For every file fd finds, print the first 15 lines
PS> fd --exec-batch bat --line-range=:15 --paging=always
# forcing paging /on/off
PS> fd --exec-batch bat --line-range=:15 --paging=never
'div.premium-box span.btn.btn-info'
Pwsh🐒> # test whether it's resolved by coerce to [type]
'catman' -as 'type' -is 'type'
'batman' -as 'type' -is 'type'
Pwsh🐒> # test whether it's resolved by coerce to [type]
'catman' -as 'type' -is 'type'
'batman' -as 'type' -is 'type'
# after
Pwsh🐒> @(
# Declaring a new type in inside a [ScriptBlock]
& {
class batman { [string]$Name }
# verses dotsourcing a type into the current scope
. {
class catman { [string]$Name }
}) | ft -AutoSize
Namespace: <4cf9efd5>
Access Modifiers Name BaseType
------ --------- ---- --------
public class batman object
Namespace: <f2200555>
Access Modifiers Name BaseType
------ --------- ---- --------
public class catman object
echo -e \\033[{0..100}mhiworld
> grep -c '.*' -- $(fd -e ps1 -e txt -d 1) # ext:ps1,txt depth: 1
# using long-names
> fd --extension ps1 --extension txt --max-depth 1
# 1] highlight matches in red
# 2] preserves all lines
> history | grep --perl-regex --ignore-case --color=always 'less|$'
# 3] add paging
> history | grep --perl-regex --ignore-case --color=always 'less|$' | less --raw-control-chars
# 4] View a log
> less someLog
# 5 start on the last line of a log
> less +G someLog
— then Fzf filter them$allProperties ??= _enumerateGhProperty
$selectedProps = $allProperties
| Out-Fzf -MultiSelect -Layout reverse -Height 100
Invoke-GhRepoList -prop $selectedProps
Labeled Summary of all queries
Source = Record.RemoveFields(
"AllQueries", MissingField.Error
Summary = Record.ToTable( Source ),
OnlyTables = Table.SelectRows(
Summary, each Value.Is( [Value], Table.Type )
#"Add Query Id" = Table.AddIndexColumn(OnlyTables, "Query Id", 0, 1, Int64.Type)
#"Add Query Id"
when $null + 3 + 3 = 12
, you can set alpha
to 0%{ "editor.tokenColorCustomizations": {
"textMateRules": [
"name": "test1",
"scope": "keyword.operator.assignment.powershell",
"settings": {
"foreground": "#be85c5",
"foreground": "#be85c500",
"fontStyle": "underline"
Power Query Sugar for selecting distinct filters. If the condition is not true, then it throws an error. Name = "Orders"
works because it results in a distinct value from the column Name
It’s valid even though the final query is many records. It’s the “distinctness” of the filter that is required to be true
Source{ [Name = "Orders", Signature = "table"] }
CSS Column Selectors to modify an existing table
# session
## counting
| wc --lines
| wc --bytes
# hide long results
| tail -n 10
| head -n 10
| tail --lines=100
| tail --bytes=2MB
# or instead don't print to console
# allow colors, but no other ANSI codes
| tail -R
# file listings safer to use
# `ls` output is bad / breakable
find . -iname 'foo*'
find . -iname '*.py'
# as 1 call ?
find . -iname '*.py' -exec stat {} \;
# as many ?
find . -iname '*.py' -exec stat {} +
# require pattern
| grep -i 'required pattern'
# invert matches
| grep -iv 'not pattern'
# or xargs and with args that have whitespace
# and/or exec
# output to file (truncate)
foo > bar.log
# append to file
foo >> bar.log
# hide errors
> someCommand &2>/dev/null
history | grep 'find'
# view in pager, or just a few results
# too big of file
grep 'error' apache.log | less +G
grep 'error' apache.log | tail | less
grep 'error' apache.log > apache_errors.log
tail apache.log --lines=100 | less +G
tail apache.log --lines=100 > apache_mini.log
Discord Web Hooks are easier than you’d think. It uses a regular `HTTP` web request .
Go to: Server Settings -> Integrations -> View Webhooks
Then click create webhook.
copy webhook url
$webhookUri = 'https://discord.com/api/YourWebhookUrlHere'
$Body = @{
'username' = 'Nomad'
'content' = 'https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Nomad'
Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $webhookUri -Method 'post' -Body $Body
There are optional webhook arguments to customize the output: https://discord.com/developers/docs/resources/webhook#execute-webhook
I tried making curl
easier to read by splitting content, and pipe so that you don’t have to manually escape Json
$Json = @{ 'username' = 'Nomad'; 'content' = 'https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Nomad' } | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
$Json | curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '@-' $webhookUri
Sometimes you’ll need to run a command with the same input with different logic.
This can be a hassle using a slow command like Get-ADUser
or Get-ChildItem
on a lot of files like ~
(Home) with -Depth
/ -Recurse
ls ~ -Depth 4 | Format-Table Name
Powershell 7 added the Ternary Operator, and several operators for handling $null
All of these examples will only run Get-ChildItem
the first time. Any future calls are cached.
Assignment OperatorThis is my favorite on the Command line. The RHS
(Right Hand Side) skips evaluation if the left side is not $null
$AllFiles ??= ls ~ -Depth 4
Operator$AllFiles = $AllFiles ?? ( ls ~ -Depth 4 )
? whenTrue : WhenFalse
$allFiles = $allFiles ? $allFiles : ( ls ~ -Depth 4 )
Windows PowerShell
and Powershell < 7
Windows Powershell can achieve the same effect with an if statement
if(! $AllFiles) { $AllFiles = ls ~ -Depth 4 }
There’s a lot of ways to use line continuations in Windows Powershell
without backticks . Powershell
added a new one, the |
pipe operator. It’s cleaner to read, and makes it easier to insert, delete, or toggle comments on the console.
Now you can write:
# Powershell
ls | sort Length
| Select -First 10
| ft Name, Length
Instead of piping on line endings
# Windows Powershell
ls | sort Length |
Select -First 10 |
ft Name, Length
# or
ls | sort Length | Select -First 10 | ft Name, Length
The function Label
is from the module: github.com/Ninmonkey.Console
$basePath = 'C:\Program Files'
$calcProp = @{}
$calcProp.FileSize = @{
n = 'Size'
e = { $_.Length | Format-FileSize }
Alignment = 'right'
# relative path defaults to relative your current location, so I override it
$calcProp.RelativePath = @{
n = 'RelativePath'
e = {
Push-Location $baseBath
$_.FullName | Resolve-Path -Relative
$calcProp.ColorizedName = @{
n = 'ColorName'
e = {
$Color = ($_ | Test-IsDirectory) ? 'blue' : 'green'
Label $_.Name -fg $Color -Separator ''
$DefaultPropList = 'Name', $calcProp.ColorizedName, $calcProp.RelativePath
Label 'basePath' $basePath
$files = Get-ChildItem $basePath -Depth 2
$files | Format-Table Name, Length, $calcProp.FileSize, $calcProp.RelativePath
$files | Format-Table $calcProp.FileSize, $calcProp.ColorizedName
# Using pre-declared property lists, which may include scriptblocks like $calcProp.FileSize
$files | Format-Table -Property $DefaultPropList